Shpresa Perlleshi first gained national prominence as Executive Editor of Women's Fitness International magazine. Today, she is the Editor-in-Chief of Fit Body magazine, a Lady of America health club owner and franchise spokesperson, and a partner in the VIP Fitness Teens program to raise health awareness in young girls. She is also a nationally recognized personal trainer, and an expert in the latest fitness trends for women.
Who is Shpresa?!
When Shpresa Perlleshi's parents first came to America, they settled in The Bronx in New York City. Soon, there were several Perlleshi children. Money was scarce as they performed building maintenance in exchange for rent. All kids took part... Shpresa says her hands-on experience working for her daily bread, and witnessing her father's drive, helped instill in her an entrepreneurial spirit and insatiable passion to work hard for what she wants until she gets it.
» Read more about how it all started!
Introducing Shpresa's DOUBLE PUMP System!
DOUBLE PUMP is oscillatory isometrics combined with a pulsing technique, so you can begin to firm, sculpt and tone every single muscle and discover the body you truly deserve!
Shpresa's new fitness video series includes Total Body and Lower Body editions, each designed with a full variety of exercises to take you from warm-up to cool-down!
» Learn more about Total Body
» Learn more about Lower Body
Find Your Path to Fitness at our Gym!
We invite you to come to our showcase Lady of America franchise, featuring a comprehensive day spa, childcare facilities, and some of today's most innovative workout programs. For more Class Descriptions or a complete Class Schedule, click one of the icons at the upper right. For even more information, call us at 914.448.2639, or just stop by our state-of-the-art fitness facility!
DOUBLE PUMP Series Special:
(+ $7.95 S/H)

Regularly $14.98 each (+ $4.95 S/H)
Shpresa and her instructor friends on the set after completion of her 2 new Double Pump DVD's!